Some People Are Just Never Meant to Have Money

What am I Doing Wrong?

Michael Centrone
5 min readJul 22, 2024
Image by Erich Röthlisberger from Pixabay

Whenever I come across any surplus of money and it seems I could be on my way to actually start saving, something blows up. It never fails. Car repairs, medical issues, inflation — so many wonderful ways society can adjust me whenever it catches wind of even the slightest hint of prosperity. I can’t help but think to myself in these instances, I guess I’m just one of those people who’re never meant to have money. It blows my mind sometimes — not being able to gain any financial traction, because, check it, firstly, I have no vices. Zero. I don’t smoke cigarettes, don’t smoke weed, hardly drink, don’t collect any toys or video games or stuff like that, don’t gamble, and still, I just get by. I rarely buy shit for myself — not that I really want to possess anything other than a true sense of reward for my work — unless it’s shit I “need”. A lot of my furniture and apartment decor is hand-me-down or gifted. Ironically, I’m actually earning the most I’ve ever made at a bullshit job in my life — if the 18-year-old me earned this dough his head would spin — and still, I have crumbs of disposable income. I can afford to eat out once in a while, pretty much. Be grateful for what you have, though, bro, many people out there have it much worse. True, and I am grateful for many things, but a dude’s still gotta vent. I can only be angry at…



Michael Centrone

Just another domesticated creature whose had their free-range capabilities systematically suppressed | Top Writer in Music